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Sobre la ceguera y los dones mal administrados

2 min read

Alguna vez había escuchado que a las personas del polo les daba un sindrome o algo parecido cuando andaban mucho tiempo en la nieve, era algo así como que la vista se acostumbraba a la regularidad del blanco que en conjunto con el brillo del sol encadelillaba la vista. Algo parecido sentí esta mañana al salir de la casa y ver todo decorado con aquel manto blanco nada acogedor que lo cubria todo. Me gustó la nieve, lo que no me gusto fué esa brisita mas bien helada que estubo haciendo todo el día y que casi nos condena al encierro de la casa. Igual con mi hermano estamos esperando la próxima nevada para tener más materia prima para el consabido muñeco de nieve ;)

En otras noticias navegando por ahí encontré este "chascarrillo" a propósito de Colombia:

There's an old saying about Colombia,

"When God was creating the world, He put gold into South Africa, some was left over, so He threw it into Colombia."

"He put coal into Appalachia, but there was some left over, so He threw it into Colombia."

"Then God distributed minerals like Iron and Nickel, again there were some left over, so He threw them into Colombia."

"Brazil received tropical fruits and Emeralds, there were some of these left over too, so He threw them into Colombia."

"The Middle East got a pot full of oil; the remainder God poured into Colombia."

"Flowers went into the South Pacific islands, there were some of these left over as well, so He threw them into Colombia."

"Wait a minute," a watching angel said to God. "Do you realize that you?re making Colombia one of the most powerful nations on earth?"

"Yes," God replied, "but don't worry, I haven't given them their politics yet."